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Cusco highlights and Machupicchu 6D-5N

  • Cusco & Machupicchu
  • Lima, Machu Picchu, Sacred Valley

Cusco highlights and Machupicchu 6D-5N

  • Duration :6 days
  • Difficulty:Mild
  • Altitude:2.430 msnm

Explore Machupicchu the Incan citadel. Hidden in the forests for centuries, at the most unexpected spot perched atop a mountain. Imagine what its discoverers felt. In this version the traveler has an extra day in Cusco to enjoy the city and get adapted to altitude.


  • Day 1: Arrival in Lima
  • Day 2: Arrival in Cusco
  • Day 3: Cusco city tour
  • Day 4: Sacred Valley
  • Day 5: Machupicchu            
  • Day 6: Departure from Cusco

Inquire now for additional details on this enticing tour!


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